for the tears God keeps

April 5, 2009

erica says:
can we ever worship God in complete purity here on earth?

chel says:
complete understanding, no.
complete wholeness, no.
but, complete purity…
i have hope that sometimes, we do.

standing before the mountains
trying to comprehend
knowing that my mind is going to explode

being with another person
praying with someone about a child
and begging God
when there is nothing we can give

our tears, dear, our tears for the world
for the wholeness that we grieve to see
or, grieve that we might see

erica says:
it makes me smile to remember that the psalmist says that God knows all our tears. and he puts them in a bottle.
i wonder how many bottles there must be for this week…
maybe to God our tears come in different shades
like, categories. tears of self-pity, tears for imperfection..

chel says:
tears for our pain
tears over the silly mistakes we’ve made
words spoken in anger, made to regret later..

erica says:
nods. tears for those who grieve without hope.
tears for frustration. for not meeting standards. for conflict.

chel says:
for confusion, for un-understandings, for misunderstandings, both on our part and on our others’.

erica says:
for tiredness and weariness, for emptiness. for days without sun.

chel says:
yes. for days we feel to have failed, for people we think we have let down. for youths we seem unable to reach out to.

erica says:
for students who reach out to us. happy tears.

chel says:
for the times our mentor/coach looks at us and says, you’ve made it

erica says:
and for the times we could say that to others.


dear God, i think erica and i are on that step of being made ready. and we know You keep our tears.


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