our lives are not our own, part 2

April 8, 2009

Just so we’re consistent:

but rach, how do our lives become tangibly our own when they are Christ’s? aren’t we always subject to the wisdom of others that we do not have? inside, inside, wholly free -yes. but not in our physical, tangible, heart-wrenching decisions. these always play out in the context the greater whole. some things make my heart sing, but the other tunes piped out drown out and mute the tune i want to sing. we never make decisions without consideration of others, because the outcome of those decision never affect us alone. perhaps there is freedom in Christ in this consideration of others. when can we ever decide for ourselves without consideration? i don’t wish for a big change…i just wish to be content -a field, a big sky, and happy being challenged. i think i’d be happy not knowing the answer, and just musing and letting the extraordinary mind muse along. happy being challenged.

When can we ever decide for ourselves without consideration?
I think it does when we’re a little wiser, a little better able to understand. And maybe some of the signs of readyness will be: a heart that beats for others, a life lived for something greater than ourselves.

When that happens, we’ll know.
And when that time comes, if we find someone who makes us happy, who brings out the better person in us, we’ll choose him.

And all the rest can lie.

One Response to “our lives are not our own, part 2”

  1. Anon Says:

    A life that belongs to Christ is a life that is surrendered unto Him. Surrender isn’t a one time thing where you throw your life away forever, but a conscious decision, choosing every step of the way to say Your Will be done. When we live surrendered we trust that God knows what’s best for us,

    Romans 8:28 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good”

    but when we try and take control of our own lives to live for our own purposes, we strive for what is seemingly best. Hence there isn’t really a need for such gloom around the word surrender, or the thought of your life being not your own.

    Wisdom from others is a blessing, really. To not consider what others have to say would be rather foolish, though that said not everything people have to say is wise or true. Perhaps the bigger issue is discernment of what is is wisdom and truth and what isn’t.

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